This Friday we had guest speaker Jessie Miller to talk about issues surrounding the internet and high school. We discussed strategies for handling phones in the classroom in a way that both respects student autonomy and property, while also limiting their ability to distract. We also discussed the importance of your online persona as a teacher, and being cognizant that students and teachers will be looking you up online. Finally, we talked about how to teach students about online safety. Stepping back from the previous method of scaring them that if they post anything that they would’t want their grandmother to see they wouldn’t get a job. That being said it’s also important that they understand how internet companies use their data and the laws around their privacy and content.
Category: EDCI 336 (Page 3 of 3)
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My name is Kolton Martin and this is my professional website. I will be using this space for bringing together resources, posting reflections, and documenting my learning. I am excited to be carving out my own space in the internet. This week week we discussed the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA). Including how student data should be kept in Canada and that educators cannot require students to sign up for services that store their data in other countries. We also discussed how copyright works in relation to educators and the internet. The Fair Dealing Guidelines offers some protection for teachers using copyrighted works. Beyond that we looked at a number of different resources for non-copyrighted works, including Open Educational Resources and Creative Commons.
Free to use resources:
For my edTech Inquiry my pod and I will be looking at the various effects of smartphone usage in high schools. Each of us is looking into one particular aspect of this large topic and we will share our findings together. So far I have found two good studies that deal with the angle in most interested. How does the presence of cellphones affect students’ ability to learn? The fist study is “The Effects of Cellphone use and Emotion-Regulation Style on College Students’ Learning“and the second is “The Relationship between Cellphone Use and Academic Performance in a Sample of U.S College Students“.

I have decided for my free inquiry project to try to learn a little bit of Russian. During my undergrad as a history major I spent a lot of time on 20th century history. Specifically I studied the Soviet Union a lot. As a result I am interested in having a very basic idea of the Russian Language. It interests me as it is quite unlike any language that I already know. I am excited to see what resources I can find to help me with this project. I will outline my progress here